A series of photos influenced by explorations of Japanese life, art, and culture.

March 27, 2022

The ways in which people digest information is changing. Satisfaction is reached via direct messaging.

man with a red silhouette wearing a bandana and jacket over an orange sunburst background man with a red silhouette wearing a bandana and jacket over an orange sunburst background

Algorithms sort calculated information to reach target audiences in hopes of gaining the ability to spread word faster and faster; monitors align intent with advancing speeds of communication for consumption. Our worlds shift as swiftly as our tools enable. 


 blue flowers over an orange backgroundwoman with a pink and blue silhouette wearing a sweater in front of purple bushes and a Japanese shrineman with a pink and purple silhouette wearing a jumpsuit in front of purple trees

How do our senses catch up with experiencing the saturation of exhaustive demands mixed with lacking intention – a world moving slower than it pushes itself to progress?


blue and orange foil

Biases become reinforced rapidly. Minds are altering according to the communal spaces we produce, as people have done for centuries. We’re perceiving our interactions in ways we can’t even articulate yet, which so many people interpret as disability.


woman with orange silhouette looking forward over a yellow background

woman with orange silhouette facing away from a window overlooking the city

What can these digital renderings offer given time and space?